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Sons of Utah Pioneers meeting review

Main speakers, Alan and Anna Louise Medaris, addressed the Morgan SUP at the Sept. 16 meeting. Courtesy photo

MORGAN—On Monday, Sept. 16 the Morgan Chapter of the Sons of the Utah Pioneers held their fall social. The event started the new year of monthly luncheons after a three-month summer break. The gathering also included invited guests and spouses. Larry’s Spring Chicken Inn provided an excellent meal.

After a Pioneer Moment presented by Chapter member, Van Nelson, the main speakers for the afternoon, Alan and Anna Louise Medaris, addressed the group. They have resided in Morgan for 18 years and are the parents of five children, 18 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.  

Alan and Anna Louise met as students at BYU in 1973 and recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Alan worked in the information technology industry as an employee of IBM and its partners for over 36 years. Anna Louise was educated as a teacher. In 2020 the Medaris’ were called to be members of the Ogden Temple Presidency with President Donald Keyes. During that time, they helped return the temple to normal function following the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The stories and memories they shared with the chapter members centered around their experiences at the Ogden Temple. Presently, Anna Louise is serving as an ordinance worker and Alan as a sealer in the Ogden Temple. Alan also serves as a stake patriarch in the Morgan Stake. It was an interesting and uplifting presentation and all were rewarded for being there. λ

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