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Morgan senior EJ Lee sets sights on individual XC title

Sep 17, 2024 11:55AM ● By Liisa London Mecham

Morgan’s EJ Lee crosses the finish line first at the 2023 Bob Firman Invitational. Lee won the Boys Varsity Division II race last fall and looks to bring home a state title in October for the Trojans.

Morgan senior EJ Lee loves running cross country. “I love the feeling of accomplishment,” he said. “It’s great to do something hard and feel success while building grit. ”  

Over the past four years as a Trojan, Lee has placed high at state, won the prestigious Bob Firman Invitational in Idaho, and looks to fight for the individual state championship trophy in October. 

At the State Championships as a freshman, Lee placed 30th (17:24. 8) and as a sophomore he cut just over a minute off his time to complete the course in 16:23. 8 and claim fourth. Lee’s state race his junior year was not, as he described it, “my best race. I was getting over an illness and just finishing up an antibiotic. ” He finished eighth (16:35. 1). 

In his first race of the season Saturday Aug. 10 at the Premiere Invitational at the Cottonwood Complex in Millcreek, Lee ran a personal record (PR) of 15:28. 2. Lee led the Trojan runners and placed 2nd in the Boys 1A-3A 5K, just behind Summit Academy senior Kade McGovern. 

“EJ is one of those kids who puts in the work in the summer,” Trojan cross country coach Brennen Fuller said. “He practically lives as Snowbasin and runs hills and trails. He is a tough competitor. ”

Lee credits his mom Rosy with pushing him. “My mom hates it when I say ‘the faster you run, the faster you’re done,’ but I feel that it’s true,” he said.

“I think as I’m running, ‘this is going to suck a lot more if I just don’t push through it and finish,’” EJ said. “You just run and get through it, push hard and don’t let it slip.”

Fuller recalled how EJ’s philosophy has become a repeated quote for the team “Don’t let one moment of relief take away everything you’ve worked for. ”

EJ said his mom, pushes him as a runner to put in 10-11 miles a day in the summer. “My mom is a huge runner. Your summer training is what makes or breaks you.”

Rosy Lee guides her son from experience. She ran track and cross country at the University of Oregon and Weber State University and participated in the Olympic Qualifiers when she was younger. “At one point she was in the top five in the nation,” EJ said. Rosy has won the St. George marathon multiple times and holds the course record for women ages 35-39 and 45-49. When asked if his mom runs with him, EJ joked, “She’s getting too slow!”

Lee’s favorite courses include Mt. SAC (in California), Bob Firman (in Boise) and Sugarhouse Park in Salt Lake City. Luckily for Lee, the Utah State Championships will be held at Sugarhouse Park this year. 

“EJ has primed himself for a great senior season,” Fuller said. “I’m excited to watch what he can achieve. He is a lot more confident this year and strong. He is leading the others on the team and helping them improve. He’s embracing his ‘boys’ and leading out strongly.”

Lee is also excited about the team. “I think there is a lot of potential on our team,” he said. “We are definitely up for competing for a state title. We need to work hard and do it, not just say it. ”

Lee is definitely a man of action. He has goals to win a state cross country title, and then “ski a lot this winter.”  Each year after cross country wraps up for the fall, Lee hits the slopes. He competes on a local team, Ascents Freeride, on the Freeride World Tour in the Junior Division. “Freeride skiing is an emerging sport that has recently gained a lot of popularity” Mark Lee, EJ’s dad said. “It takes place on one of the steepest parts of the mountain. Competitors identify the line they will ski and then ski for a panel of judges who critique the rider’s fluidity, control, style and line choice.” Lee has scored well in past competitions and looks to improve his standing this winter.  

Lee’s plans after graduation are not certain. ”If I get a chance to run XC in college, I’d like to put in a season before I leave on an LDS mission, but I’m not sure what I’m going to do after this season, except ski this winter.”

Morgan will host a Region 13 Cross Country meet on Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 4 p.m. at Morgan High. Come check out Lee’s progress on his goals to win an individual state title and lead his team to a team championship and then follow him on the Freeride World Tour. Wherever Lee’s talents and desire lead him, he will be going forward fast. λ

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