Never to Old to Show
Gary Patterson from Hinds Country Store tries his hand at showing a lamb.
Jr. Livestock is for youth to raise, show and sell their livestock at the fair. However, Morgan High Schools’s Future Farmers of America proves you are Never to Old to Show.
The Never Too Old To Show, it is a fundraiser put on by the Morgan FFA. Friends and Family members pay to submit someone they know to show an animal; could be a hog, lamb or steer. If that individual doesn't want to show an animal then they must pay double to get their name off the list. It goes back and forth and doubles each time.
FFA advisor Hannah Giles explains the process. “If someone nominates me to show a steer for $15, I then have to pay $30 to get out of it, if someone really wants me to show they would have to pay at least $60 to put me back in.”
Winner of this year’s Never to Old to Show was Grand Lamb, Chuck Linford; Reserve Lamb, Jose Patino; Grand Hog, Kale Carter; Reserve Hog, Timber Peterson; Grand Steer, Brittany Kuhn and
Reserve Steer – Lindsay Wardell. λ