Morgan city recognized for safety
Apr 16, 2024 12:45PM ● By Linda Peterson
Pictured from left are, Jeremy Webb, Clark Crook, Dyson Blackburn, Matt Stuart, and Mayor Steve Gale. Courtesy photo/Morgan City
Morgan City was recently recognized by the Intermountain Power Superintendents Association with two awards. The first, the organization’s Safety Leadership Award, was presented for achieving five consecutive years without a lost time accident. The second award was the IPSA 2023 Safety Award for achieving a low accident frequency last year. At the March 26 city council meeting Morgan Power Foreman Clark Crook and former IPSA chairman gave a brief background on the organization and presented the awards to Morgan City. IPSA provides an 8,000-hour apprenticeship training program for journeymen linemen. “The guys have done really good and they’ve done everything they’re supposed to do and we haven’t had any accidents in the [past] five consecutive years,” Clark said. “They've been up in all kinds of weather; this is way impressive, Mayor Steve Gale commented. City Manager Ty Bailey praised IPSA and the Morgan City employees. “It’s really a good organization and they've recognized [Morgan City] for safety which I attribute to Clark and our guys but it really does take some leadership,” he said. λ