Morgan High Student Earns Perfect ACT and SAT Scores

Morgan’s own Asher Johanson Courtesy photo
Asher Johanson has accomplished something truly exceptional – achieving a perfect score of 36 on the ACT as well as a perfect score of 1600 on the SAT. In doing so the Morgan High School senior joins an elite group of high school scholars. A perfect ACT score is incredibly rare. Only around 0.313% of students achieve this goal and, according to a press release, less than 0.5% of the 1.3 million students who took the ACT in 2022 earned a perfect score. A perfect SAT score is likewise rare. According to the College Board's most recent total group report, just over 1.9 million students in the class of 2023 took the SAT, and less than 1% of test takers scored in the range of 1550-1600, let alone earning a perfect score of 1600. Asher says simply, “I did well”.
Asher’s dad Jordan describes his son as “a fact sponge” who has always been curious, creative, and proactively learning and applying new skills. Throughout high school, Asher has taken every AP class offered, excelled on each exam, and enrolled in concurrent college courses. He also carries a 4.0 GPA, represents MHS on its Academic Decathlon Team, is the MHS Math Sterling Scholar, and served as a student tutor. Getting perfect ACT and SAT scores wasn’t easy, though. Asher also studied a lot, took ACT and SAT practice exams, then studied and practiced some more to reach his goal of achieving high scores. When asked if he got nervous during the exams, Asher responded that he was a little nervous before each test began but once the timer started, he “just focused” and went to work.
Both ACT and SAT scores are used for college admissions decisions and awarding merit-based scholarships, and Asher is currently exploring various college opportunities. In addition to his academic pursuits, Asher is a Black Belt in Moo Lim Do, an Eagle Scout, plays the drums for the MHS jazz band, is an avid backpacker and long-distance trail runner, and composes music. You can enjoy some of his music compositions on YouTube@rooter1414. λ