MGMS TEACHER spotlight
Dec 07, 2023 11:15AM ● By Verlene Johnson
Cameron Connely grew up in Ponca City, Oklahoma. After graduating from Ponca City High School, he attended Cowley County Community College and Oklahoma Baptist University. Connely has an Associate of Science (emphasis on chemistry) and a BSE in Secondary Science Education. During his college years, he competed in track and field doing the decathlon, and eventually hopes to become a coach.
Connely began his teaching career nine years ago at years at US Grant High School in Oklahoma City where he taught physical science, an entry-level chemistry, and physics course, and pre-ap biology for five years. He is currently in his fifth year teaching Science to seventh and eighth graders at Mountain Green Middle School.
“I was unsure of what career I wanted when I first entered college,” commented Connely. “After taking chemistry and acting as an aide and tutor I thought a path in education might suit me.”
Connely said about teaching, “I love exploring science and sharing phenomena of the natural world with others. To help society gain a better understanding of our world.”
He moved to Salt Lake City when he started teaching at MGMS, so he could be closer to the mountains.
Connely’s primary hobbies are rock climbing, mountain biking, and snowboarding. “I also enjoy reading sci-fi and fantasy, which I just completed reading “The Wheel of Time,” and cooking. “λ