Morgan SUP meeting notes
Laird Dummer shares historical documents and family history.
The Morgan chapter of the Sons of the Utah Pioneers gathered for their Luncheon on Monday, Nov. 20, at the Rock Church. Mark Francis, a board member of our local chapter, introduced himself and shared some of his pioneer heritage. He is a descendant of Samuel Francis, an early convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in England. Mark was raised in Morgan, served a mission to Australia, and retired from Browning after 45 years. He and his wife Lana are the parents of four children, 13 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
After lunch, provided by Larry’s Spring Chicken Inn, the group heard from Laird Dummer who spoke about the Hawn’s Mill massacre. Laird and his wife Vaudys are from Sandy Utah. He is a lifetime member and currently one of the Area Vice Presidents of the Sons of the Utah Pioneers. Laird is the 3rd great-grandson of Thomas McBride, one of 17 men and boys killed at Haun’s Mill. The settlement, in Caldwell County Missouri, was an early gathering area for migrating converts to the Church. He read journal entries from James McBride Thomas’s son, who survived the killings. Laird shared the tragic stories of the ones who died or were severely wounded but also of the challenges faced by the widows and their families who survived the tragic event. Their perseverance and faith in the face of hardships should inspire us all. λ