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County commission appoints new planning commission members

Apr 24, 2023 12:50PM ● By Linda Petersen

Morgan County has filled two open seats on the Morgan County Planning Commission for the Mountain Green and Enterprise areas. Andrew Phillips will fill the Mountain Green position being vacated by Gary Ross while Devon Miller will replace Christopher Mayerle who has been serving the Enterprise area on the planning commission.

After posting the positions on the county website for the last couple of months, the county received just one application from each area, Planning Director Josh Cook told the Morgan County Planning Commission members at their April 4 meeting.

If the commissioners wanted to wait to see if more applicants would apply,  Ross and Mayerle said they would be willing to stay on for a reasonable length of time until they could appoint new members, he told them. But the county commission declined to wait. 

“Historically if we get one or two applicants, we’re thrilled,” Commission Chair Mike Newton said. “That’s kind of a thankless job so we don’t exactly have people banging down the door to get in. … If we only got one in each area after two months, I would suggest we take action on it rather than waiting for more.”

Newton said he knows both individuals personally.

“Both of them have made an effort to be involved in the community,” Newton said.

The commissioners then voted unanimously to approve the appointments of Phillips and Miller who will serve four-year terms. λ

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